The e-book has a cover!

Book cover with B-17 in flight and island

My poll for the e-book cover last week was largely neck and neck until the last few responses hit midweek, but even then I was still torn myself. I liked the Aztec’s Curse photo better, but loved how the Mareeba airstrip photo really popped, even as a thumbnail, which is a crucial factor when it comes to standing out among a sea of covers on Amazon. It was that latter consideration, in fact, that had me mostly deciding on the Mareeba airstrip cover as of Friday morning.

But I gave Kristie the Cover Designer one last mission, should she decide to accept it: if she could find a way to make the Aztec’s Curse photo pop like the other, I’d definitely go with it.  I wasn’t sure how well she’d be able to do that, but if you don’t ask…

I’m super glad I did. Turns out they were all most concept anyway, so she hadn’t tweaked any of them much. I think—at least I hope—everyone agrees that her tweaking really pulls the best of both covers into one. Personally I couldn’t be happier with it.

When I get around to the paperback version, which will hopefully not be too long from now, she’ll get a back cover for it that’s going to have the crew photo at the top.  Either way, I think this will be a great magnet for drawing people to the story—the REAL story—of the Eager Beavers.

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