Lt. Col. Jay Zeamer's "Eager Beavers" were a World War II B-17 bomber crew stationed in Australia and New Guinea in 1943, their nickname inspired by Zeamer’s constant volunteering for missions and the crew's happiness to oblige him.
They were part of the early aerial effort first to stop a Japanese invasion of Australia, and then to take the offensive against Japan. It was a part of the war as primitive as it is unknown, literally and figuratively the polar opposite of the European air war:
Handfuls of beat-up bombers flying two-day missions, unescorted, out of nomadic, Civil War-style tent camps in jungles and prairies, across thousands of miles of ocean and through the most violent storms on Earth, to bomb the most fortified harbor in the Pacific. A war in which dust and disease are as much an enemy as the Japanese.
It was an incredible feat of ingenuity and perseverance—traits the Eager Beavers would combine with training and preparation above and beyond, helping them repeatedly to take the initiative and defy the odds. Helping them, ultimately, to make history.
They are the most highly decorated air crew in American history.
Paperback coming soon!
The Incredible True Story
The culmination of over thirty years of research, this anthology contains the most authoritative accounts of this historic crew, including:
- The (real) story of the crew
- The most comprehensive biographies available of Medal of Honor recipients Jay Zeamer Jr. and Joseph Sarnoski
- The most up-to-date history available of B-17E "Old 666"/"Lucy"

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The Eager Beavers
Lt. Col. Jay Zeamer Jr.
Lt. William Vaughan (regular crew)
S/Sgt. Herb Pugh (regular crew)
Col. Ruby Johnston (regular crew)
Lt. Col. J.T. Britton (copilot, 16 June 1943 mission)
22nd Bomb Group
Maj. Walter Krell (19th BS)
Capt. John Wells (408th BS)
43rd Bomb Group
1st Lt. Lloyd Boren (65th)
Capt. Richard Bennett (65th)
T/Sgt. Frank Hohmann (403rd & 65th/43rd, also 93rd/19th)
M/Sgt. Ed Gammill (63rd)
Maj. Milton “Bud” Gusack (65th)
Maj. Bill Wilson (65th)
Col. David Hassemer (65th)
8th Photo Recon Squadron
T/Sgt. Jim McEwan
Family Members
Lt. Col. Jay Zeamer, Jr. (spouse)
2nd Lt. Joseph Sarnoski (two brothers, sister, nephew, niece)
1st Sgt. Johnnie Able, Jr. (daughter)
M/Sgt. Emil “Bud” Thues (brother, son)
Lt. William Vaughan (son, daughter)
Capt. George Kendrick (step-brother)
S/Sgt. Herb Pugh (spouse, daughter)
Capt. Hank Dyminski (son, two daughters)
Col. Ruby Johnston (son)
Lt. Col. J.T. Britton (son, daughter)
Col. Art Durbeck (spouse)
Maj. Milton “Doc” Gusack (son)
Crew Statements on 16 June 1943 Mission
(given in support of Zeamer CMoH)
1st Sgt. Johnnie Able, Jr.
Lt. Col. J. T. Britton
Capt. George Kendrick
S/Sgt. Herb Pugh
M/Sgt. Forrest Dillman
Capt. Henry “Hank” Dyminski
T/Sgt. William Eaton (403rd/43rd)
M/Sgt. Ed Gammill
T/Sgt. Frank Hohmann
Col. Art Durbeck (403rd/43rd)
Personal Letters
Lt. Col. Jay Zeamer, Jr.
2nd Lt. Joseph Sarnoski
1st Sgt. Johnnie Able, Jr.
Flight Logs
Lt. Col. Jay Zeamer, Jr.
Capt. Henry “Hank” Dyminski
Individual Flight Records
Lt. Col. Jay Zeamer, Jr.
2nd Lt. Joseph Sarnoski
Official Histories and Diaries
43rd Bomb Group
63rd Bomb Squadron, 43rd BG
65th Bomb Squadron, 43rd BG
403rd Bomb Squadron, 43rd BG
8th Photo Reconnaissance Squadron
Squadron Reports
Morning Reports, 403rd Bomb Squadron, 43rd BG
Morning Reports, 65th Bomb Squadron, 43rd BG
Morning Reports, 19th Bomb Squadron, 22nd BG
Payroll Reports, 8th Photo Reconnaissance Squadron, 5th AF
David Armstrong, Researcher
Joe Bowman, Author/Historian
Larry Hickey, Author/Historian, IHRA
Steve Birdsall, Author/Historian
Damian Waters, Author/Historian
Roger Marks, Author/Historian
Chuck Varney, Historian
Richard Dunn, Author/Historian
Randy Ashenbranner, Researcher
Geoff Gentilini, Researcher
Ed Rogers, Author/Historian
Bruce Hoy, former curator, PNG War Museum
Michael Musumeci, Author/Historian
Barrett Tillman, Author/Historian
Michael Claringbould, Author/Historian/Artist
Skip Bombing, Capt. Jim Murphy, 63rd BS/43rd BG
Ken's Men Against the Empire, Hickey/Birdsall/Jonas/Rogers/Tagaya
Revenge of the Red Raiders, Gaylor/Evans/Nelson/Hickey
The Eight Ballers: Eyes of the Fifth Air Force, John Stanaway & Bob Rocker
Beau’s, Butchers, and Boomerangs, Damian Waters
Fortress Against the Sun, Gene Eric Salecker
Fire in the Sky, Eric M. Bergurud
Flying Forts, Martin Caidin
General Kenney Reports, General George Kenney
American Magazine
Liberty Magazine, Peter Dunn
HyperWar US Army Air Forces in World War II
Trove - National Library of Australia
This website is the result of almost thirty years of research into the story of this remarkable crew. It was begun first in support of a feature screenplay, followed now by a miniseries adaptation, and in the future, a novel adaptation.
The aim of all is to increase public awareness of this historic crew, and the website in particular to provide the most comprehensive, authoritative resource about it. Unfortunately, many mistakes and myths created in early accounts of the crew have persisted over the decades, continuing even in recent years in popular history books. This site corrects the record to create the most accurate portrait available of Zeamer's crew and their experiences.
It does that in part through a wide collection of official records and primary source materials—crew statements and military records, group histories, squadron diaries and morning reports.
Mostly, though, it's due to the incredible generosity over the years of dozens of people ranging from the veterans themselves and their families to experts on everything from the history of the B-17 to the flora and fauna of Northern Australia.
They are the people who have gifted me with hours of their time via phone and e-mail, answered extensive questionnaires, and provided me with additional military records, photos, personal letters, diaries, articles, news clippings, and even videos and personal effects, all in the name of ensuring the portraits of the crew members are authentic.
A full accounting would be practically impossible, but the listing under "Sources" gives a view to the scope of the research involved in these projects. I hope you enjoy the site, and getting to know the exceptional men of Zeamer’s Eager Beavers.
Clint Hayes
Princeton, TX