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Clint Hayes


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17 entries.
Max Stracener Max Stracener from Richardson TX wrote on November 20, 2024 at 5:23 pm
Clint, looking forward to reading it! Always interested in learning more about the air war in WWII. Longtime friend and admirer of your father.

Max Stracener
Admin Reply by: Clint

Great to hear from you. Many thanks for getting the e-book. I hope you enjoy it. I'm a great admirer of my father, too!

Craig Lasher Craig Lasher from El Reno wrote on April 4, 2024 at 12:48 pm
Trying to find your book, Amazon says out of print.

Craig Lasher
Admin Reply by: Clint

I really appreciate your interest and for looking for the book.

Unfortunately what you're seeing on Amazon was a historical novel only ever available as a pre-order—I ended up shelving it to work on the miniseries adaptation and crew biographies first—but I've been unable to get Amazon to remove it. You're not the only one to have been confused by it.

I need to figure it out soon, though, because I *am* coming out in the next couple of months with an inexpensive e-book anthology of my primary work about the crew and that mission, and I'm considering using that same title. I foresee more calls to Amazon in my immediate future...

I do hope at some point to finish the novel adaptation of my script, but the additional research to render that level of description and detail made a mole hill out of the mountain I'd already put into the feature script. That was a daunting revelation. If I do, though, I have your e-mail, and will definitely apprise you of it.

Thank you again!

Dennis Grover Dennis Grover from Beavercreek, Oregon wrote on March 13, 2024 at 5:54 am
Hi Clint. I want to encourage you to continue to get your work published in some form. I have a couple of suggestions that might help, but I suspect you have already explored those.

I was introduced to The Eager Beaver's story by my neighbor seven years ago. I immediately recognized its commercial value as a movie and began researching the story for my own screenplay. I knew that this was a hit movie just aching to be made. I had written a couple of screenplays, a few live productions, and many skits. While I have not had anything published in a big way, my stuff has been performed before audiences rendering tears and laughter when appropriate. So, I know a good story when I read it and can usually translate it into a script form.

I was derailed from pursuing writing a screenplay further by two things. One, I had another script going (and it is currently pending its last revision before getting it to an agent) and two, my kidneys both failed and I had to go on dialysis for four years. I now have a kidney transplant from five years ago and began researching the story again. I came up on your site and was quite excited. Not so much for my benefit, but for yours and the story itself. It really needs to be told in a big way and I think you are the man to do it.

Let me offer two or three suggestions that might help you along the way as they have helped me. If I were you, I would try to reach out to either a script doctor or a professional screen writer with real experience. They are accessible by folks like you and I and are willing to help you make contact with the right people. My biggest contact was Jim Henson who offered to meet me for a job interview. I had sent him a short video that displayed both my writing and performing abilities and he was impressed. Unfortunately, I could not make that interview because of other commitments that would ultimately determine my future career.

I also contacted a local writer who wrote, "Finding Forester" starring Sean Connery. I made my email to him brief and to the point. He answered my question and encouraged me to keep in touch with him.

My point is, that if you knock on doors respectively (enough of them), one will open. I have read of so many blossoming actors, comedians, and writers who took the gamble to meet the celebrities, producers, and directors that ultimately paid off. I believe you have the personality and intelligence that they would find inviting. You most certainly have the story. One of them might read your story (or treatment) and see potential. It really is worth a gamble.

I would also encourage you to join the Screen Actors Guild. Get a number and attach it to your script. Some agents will not even consider a script without a number.

If you haven't considered a script doctor, you might want to do that. They will go over the whole thing and show you where it needs to be edited, reorganized, reordered, or developed for clarity and character development. They will help you eliminate much of the work that needs to be done when the studio assigns it to "Script Hell." That is the place all scripts go to for final drafting before getting the Green Light. Script doctors are not cheap, like the late Carrie Fisher, but they get your script in front of the studios faster and with some clout.

You could pursue the historical novel route. Get it published with the retention of screenwriting rights. That prevents the publishing house from selling those rights from underneath you.

Or, you can go the cheap route. Enter it into a contest. The writer I mentioned earlier of "Finding Forrester" did just that. He won his competition and launched his career into screenwriting. He has had several hits since. As your story is a true story, you might want to consider the contest sponsored by the Austin Film Festival. This is a very prestigious competition and will get you some attention if your script does well. You don't have to finish first, but well enough that agents will come to you.

These are just a few ideas, most you probably have already considered. Even so, this might offer you some encouragement. I hope you will add me to your mailing list as I truly want to follow your story. As I market my own script, I will pass along any contacts or tips that might help you as well. I wish you the very best, my friend. I want to see this on the big screen!

Most sincerely,

Dennis Grover
Admin Reply by: Clint

Thanks very much for taking the time to write. I couldn't ask for a more generous response to the site and my work. I've been intending to reply by e-mail since last night and life just hasn't allowed it. But I wanted at least to acknowledge it here and let you know I've definitely seen it and plan to respond soon.

Clint Hayes
Mary Vaughan Cadman Mary Vaughan Cadman from Rockwall wrote on February 16, 2024 at 12:21 pm
I just wanted to say thank you again for all that you have done to bring this story to light. We met 30 years ago (!) when you were interviewing my dad and I have cherished that friendship ever since. Dad was not very trusting (in regards to those wanting details of this mission) but you managed to gain his trust. He looked forward to speaking with you and going down memory lane (even when it was not easy). This story needs to be told and as much as I hope that happens, it only holds meaning if told in truth. You are a very talented and prolific writer and I am grateful you have taken on this story as one of your life's missions!
Admin Reply by: Clint

I realized it had been thirty years ago recently myself, which is just crazy. It really does mean a mountain to me to hear that, and makes it all worthwhile. I told you and all the other family members all along that if y'all didn't see and hear your dads in my fictional presentations of them, and recognize the truth about them in my biographies (I promise I'm getting there), I'm not doing my job. They're inspirational as the real men they were, without being turned into Dirty Dozen caricatures. I've got some exciting projects planned for this year where the crew's story is concerned, and I'm always working to better the odds that a screen adaptation can be done. The release of Masters of the Air is certainly especially fueling that now. We'll see what happens.

Thanks so much for the kind words and inspiration. I don't need much motivation where this crew is concerned, but it certainly helps. Stay tuned!

Ron Gerdes Ron Gerdes wrote on January 27, 2024 at 11:42 pm
Ive been researching this for a few years now looking to writing a screenplay... HOPING somebody will bite and create a miniseries! So glad you already did! Here is to hoping this amazing story gets to the screen someday!
Admin Reply by: Clint
I can't fault your taste in story choice, Ron! I've done everything I can to get it ready for prime time (literally and figuratively, I guess). Now it's just about raising awareness. I'm up to a few hundred visitors a month now, so the real story of the Eager Beavers is starting to get out there more than ever before. I'm hoping the YouTube channel (which if you haven't found it, you can find here), and the TikToks I'm wanting to start doing soon, will start to bring in even more eyes. Hopefully that means attracting just the right pair of producer's eyes!

Thanks for visiting, and especially for taking the time to leave a comment. It's much appreciated.

W. Neil Fortner W. Neil Fortner from Pahrump, NV wrote on January 3, 2024 at 8:28 pm
Truly amazing story.
Admin Reply by: Clint

Much thanks for visiting and taking the time to leave a note.

Edan Edan from Manassas wrote on November 13, 2023 at 10:05 am
I recently heard of this story from a youtube channel called the fat electrician, and his narrative of events sounded like it would be a good movie. But, like most things on the internet, not entirely sure how accurate it is. Here's the link I'm an aspiring actor/screenwriter and would like to maybe be part of said project and came across this site doing research.
Admin Reply by: Clint

Thanks for visiting and taking time to comment. It's much appreciated.

Thanks for the link to the Fat Electrician video. I actually was already alerted to it, and in fact had the biggest spike in visitors, by far, that I've ever had because of it. 251 in one day, in fact. I'm happy his video made people interested enough to find out more. As for accuracy, it's hit-and-miss, mostly because it seems to rely mostly on Drury and Clavin's book LUCKY 666, which starts out pretty well with its early bios of Zeamer and Sarnoski, but turns into alternative history once it switches focus to the theater of war. Its account of the crew's history in theater is correct only in the broadest bullet points. That said, its chapter on the crew's final mission together, the 16 June 43 mission to Bougainville/Buka, is mostly fine. Again, though, if it helps drive people here to get the real story, that's okay.

Congrats on taking the plunge into screenwriting and acting. You must be happy both of the strikes are over. On the screenwriting front, I highly suggest you read Bob Saenz's book That's Not the Way It Works. Bob started as an extra back in the late '80s, early '90s, and is now a sought-after working screenwriter. He posts frequently in the Screenwriting group on Facebook, too, really helpful nuts-and-bolts, day-in-the-life posts that are gold for new screenwriters. Can't recommend him enough. I personally decided the working screenwriter life wasn't for me, but I still want this story to be on a screen, so I continue to network to get it in front of those I trust to do the story right. Based on efforts in the works right now, and what I'll be adding to the site over the next several months, I'm feeling better about its chances. We'll see. Sign up for updates!
Mark Alderman Mark Alderman from Black Creek GA wrote on October 16, 2023 at 8:31 am
The Dailywire may make this a reality. Or Angel Studios. It is a great story that most American have never heard and right now is a good window to get the ball rolling as Hollywood’s spoiled workforce is on strike.
Good luck

Admin Reply by: Clint
Hey, Mark, thanks for stopping by and leaving a note. You may be right. I'm hoping that interest in Masters of the Air will prompt interest in the Eager Beavers story. I plan to make some videos piggy-backing on Masters to try to do just that.
Tim Tim from Adams wrote on July 6, 2023 at 3:24 pm
One more thing, like Christine, you should publish ASAP. No need to be hard copy. An e-book like Kindle would probably gauge the market for you and be much easier to start. With your finished product (and I noted a few spelling typos), a reputable publisher should be interested, I guess.

Beware of the 'self publishing' outfits, though. A known history publishing firm that also does sole e-books might be good. You might even send a copy to John Prados and ask him to recommend or suggest an outfit that starts you off at first electronically.

I constantly see his requests for declassifying material in the presidential libraries. Oh, belay that suggestion, as I see he passed a few months ago. Some other author you respect, perhaps.

Good luck, and be sure to add me to the mailing list. The mail chimp is down and wouldn't take my email address.
Admin Reply by: Clint

You've been added to the mailing list, and it seems you've read my mind. I'm actually planning to create an e-book and audiobook out of at least the story of the crew on the site. I may also include the biographies of Jay Zeamer and Joseph Sarnoski, once Sarnoski's is finished, to be updated with biographies of the rest of the crew once I finish theirs.

I do have plans for a novel, and in fact have already started it, but finishing it will have to wait until I have the crew biographies done. I want to ensure at least that the whole crew's stories are available on my website, since I have direct control over that. I think you're right that I could get interest from a traditional historical fiction publisher, but I'll have to think seriously about it. My dad, Del Hayes, chose to create his own small press and self-publish after his research revealed that all but elite authors end up being responsible for most of their marketing anyway. That was fifteen years ago; based on everything we've learned since, it's even more the case now. (By the way, if you're interested in the Zeamer story and the SWPA air war in general, you'll likely be interested in Dad's book Ad Astra. You can find it here.)

I do have to thank you for alerting me to the typos. It took me quite by surprise considering not only do I always run my material through a spell check before publishing, but also a couple of excellent proofreaders. It makes me wonder if I made some revisions after doing all that and forgot to do the process again. In any case, I fixed what I found. Embarrassing, but much appreciate the heads-up. I'll add you to my list of proofreaders, if you're interested in the position.

Thanks again for the interest and engagement.
Tim Tim from Adams wrote on July 6, 2023 at 3:04 pm
Great site, Mr. Hayes. Few sensationalist butcher jobs like 'Lucky 666'have been better countered by one man efforts.

One other thing that might be added, if not already here and some how overlooked, is what happened to Old 666 "Lucy".

If accurate, the wiki article states that it was refurbished and sent back to recon duties, even doing two more combat runs.

Sent stateside in March 1944, it says in the end the final station was Albuquerque, New Mexico in August 1945 -- probably to Kirkland AFB just after the Japanese accepted the terms of surrender. Sometime after that it was scrapped.
Admin Reply by: Clint

Thanks so much for the kind words. I am a big believer in "buyer beware." While I greatly respect Drury and Clavin choosing to tell this crew's story, it would have served the crew better—and readers, if they're interested in what actually happened—for it to be the real story. Granted, they hadn't been researching the story for twenty-plus years at that point as I had, but as I point out, there was certainly enough information available—they even had some of it—to tell a far more accurate story than what they did.

(If you're interested, you can find my far more concise Amazon review here.)

As for 666, I revised much of the Wikipedia entry on the plane, so unless someone's changed it since then, it should be correct in what's there. I do have a comprehensive history of the plane here on the site, though, under the "Features" menu. But here's the direct link to it.
Christine Christine from Boyertown wrote on December 4, 2022 at 8:48 am

For telling this story, for letting me know listening to “Lucky 666” is a waste of my time & money that will fill my head with untrue and inaccurate information.

Please, write AND PUBLISH the non fiction account of the Zeamer Crew. I don’t have time to read/listen to fiction. Why read a historical fiction when I can read the non fictional history???

What’s the point?

I love WWII history for many reasons. The human drama and the lessons one can learn from the experiences of people from all over the World. Every day we lose the people I admire most for their values, morals, conduct, courage, and their love of God, Country, and Family, which might be from anywhere in the World.

If one does not recognize the value of learning WWII history, they are at a distinct disadvantage. While human nature/behavior does not change because those evolutionary changes evolve over millions of years not decades, times do change. History repeats itself because of human behavior and the desire for power and the control over others, wealth, and sex.

Nothing upsets me more than to discover that the WWII history I’m reading/listening to is inaccurate. When one knows nothing about a subject it’s like a blank page. It’s easy to lie to someone who knows nothing about the subject.

Which brings me to a life lesson that I urge everyone to live by, no matter the subject: Go to the source. There is a reason courts require cross examination & without it, evidence is not allowed to be introduced (except under extraordinary circumstances) Signed testimony is not allowed because “you cannot cross examine a piece of paper”

Thus the use of log books, morning reports, etc combined with interviews helps filter out the misinformation & allows the truth to be told.

Far too many people allow themselves to be manipulated into voting for a candidate, donating/supporting an issue, buying a product, or accepting a story because they do not know the MOTIVATION of the entity who is trying to convince them to accept/believe whatever it is they are selling.


People are made to believe it is, when the reality is they are simply being used to make $$$, attain power, or sex.

Understanding a subject - just as Zeamer understood the capabilities of the plane he flew allowed him to excel at flying the plane, rather than just fly as an average pilot who was nothing more than a number in war ( some might use the analogy of a pawn in a chess game )-allows one to intelligently articulate a subject.

I prefer the educated, understanding and intelligent individual versus the individual who accepts the marketing campaign, slick campaign slogans, propaganda, or the sales pitch.

My desire to learn more, my curiosity piqued about the story told in “Lucky 666” led me to your website, and Thank God it did.
Admin Reply by: Clint

Messages like this make the thirty years of work I've put into researching and writing about this crew, revealing the real story, worth it.

I'm with you: I'd rather not read about a person or event if what I'm reading isn't accurate. It is literally a waste of my time. Sometimes, of course, it can't be helped because no one has uncovered the real story yet, and getting to the real story can be an enormous amount of work. I know this first-hand now. But that's not the case here anymore, so it is much harder to excuse.

I do agree with you, too, about taking the same care with history in general and current events. My view of human history is that it's really no different from our personal history: its value is in the lessons we can learn from it for guiding our actions now, which means it can only be as helpful to us as our knowledge of it is complete. Incomplete information yields incomplete knowledge yields incomplete lessons. That's why I always go to primary sources, and try to gather as much information and analysis as I can, even from sources that I might disagree with, or at least challenge my understanding of something, because I know that confirmation bias is a real thing.

If I'd not taken that approach on the story of the Eager Beavers—if I hadn't listened to my inner skeptic or historians who were skeptics of various aspects of the story—I couldn't have uncovered the real story. Ditto the crew members themselves; memory is a fickle thing. The documentary record—not just official records but including what crew members said and wrote at the time—served as a necessary correction to their later recollections. It takes judgement calls on my part, to be sure, and some of it will necessarily remain speculative, but at least it's informed speculation, as much so as I'm capable of at the moment. And the search continues: there remain some records that may yet refine/correct my own understanding of the story. I hope to get at them soon.

But that process can't happen if your priority is a particular narrative rather than completeness. I believe that was the main failing of Lucky 666. As I say in my reviews of the book here on the site and on Amazon, I can't and don't fault the authors for not knowing what I only know from being able to have interviewed the crew members themselves before they passed. But they can be faulted for not using the sources they already had, and aspects of their narrative don't align even with those, which indicates to me either that they were too rushed to do due diligence, or they made a conscious choice to go with a particular narrative rather than the reality. Either case is unfortunate for the reader. Most unfortunate is that without doing his or her own research, the reader can't know this. But that's one of the major reasons my website exists, to serve as a corrective to all the mistaken and mythical accounts.

When it comes to historical figures, I can only be inspired by the reality. Without knowing the person's actual character and achievements, it's hard for me to feel the connection I need to relate and be inspired. So to the degree I feel there's a layer of myth in what I'm reading, I remain ambivalent, and interested only to the extent that either my historical curiosity is piqued or the story is potentially inspiring.

That's when the trustworthiness of the guides, the authors themselves, becomes critical, and why I've gone to great lengths to ensure that my own facts are in order. Some would say too great, but again, the danger is that any mistake establishes some doubt in the reader. It depends, of course, on the importance of a fact to the overall conception you've constructed of your subject, but the difference between a mistake being trivial or significant is its context, is how much is built on it. An event happening in January rather than March might change nothing, or it might change an entire narrative. (That sort of thing happens more than once in Lucky 666.)

It really is all about trust. It truly is unfortunate how fractured that's become in society at large when it comes to current events, and the presentation of history both in education and popularly, depending on how much it touches current events. One bright spot, I think, is that when it comes to history that isn't perceived to connect to politics—something like this—I do believe there is a growing desire and appreciation for accuracy and authenticity. I think that's carrying over more into film and TV adaptations, too. It's easier for people to find out when a screen story gets something wrong, and I'm seeing more pushback against ones that do. I think that's only a good thing. And I even see positive signs that that's carrying over into general news coverage, too, with nonpartisan news sources and opinion site gaining popularity. Hopefully those trends are lasting and self-fulfilling.

Thanks again for taking the time to leave such a kind and thoughtful comment.

Clint Hayes

P.S. You might be interested in my new foray into applying the above principles to examining current events. It's going to be a website soon, but for the moment it's a FB page. You can find it here: Walking the Premises
Frederick Just Frederick Just from Astoria wrote on May 27, 2021 at 1:54 pm
Dad was in 100th service sqd
Admin Reply by: Clint
Thanks for signing! I'll e-mail you.
Shanna Irwin-Coury Shanna Irwin-Coury wrote on May 23, 2021 at 2:20 pm
Well done! Most heroes vanish into history with few remembering what they did and who they were. It's so awesome that you've taken up the task of honoring these guys in the way they deserve. Bravo!
Admin Reply by: Clint
Thanks so much. There were so many who fought just as bravely beside them and whose names will never be known, but at least in bringing this story to light, the more the public will know about their particular corner of the war. It's one that's never been appreciated.
Commander Cobra Commander Cobra from New England Territories wrote on May 11, 2021 at 1:17 pm
Absolutely outstanding work on this website to the "Eager Beavers". Very impressed with Mr Hayes work and hope to see it continue. Look forward to contacting him for a guest interview on Mack Maloney's Military X Files (MMMXF) where I co-host with Mack. This is one of the greatest warrior stories hardly anyone really knows. Checking with a number of military aviation historians, amazed few knew any of the facts. Great work and look for my support in anyway. Respectfully, "commander cobra"
Jay D Jackson Jay D Jackson from Taylorsville wrote on February 20, 2021 at 7:44 pm
My father is T/sgt. Jay W. Jackson (Stoney)(94th/19bg)(63rd/43bg) 6/42-3/44 I have been reading anything I can get my hands on about the 19th,bg, and 43rd bg for a few years now I've read a couple different accounts of this story, and yours is the most detailed I've encountered. I've put my email in several times and your system rejects it as invalid I'm very interested in following this site. I would love to access any research you have as I'm trying to learn all I can about my father's involvement in the Pacific. His records were lost and he died in 73. He was one of those that didn't talk about the war. Please sign me up to follow your sight.
Brendan Harpur Brendan Harpur from Co.Roscommon-Ireland wrote on January 8, 2021 at 12:34 pm
All the best of luck,to Clint hayes
As he tremendous amount of work into his projects,
And hopefully he wil do the eager
Beavers story justice ,and all other aeroplane crews in ww2.

Brendan Harpur
Tom Williamson Tom Williamson from Durango wrote on July 19, 2020 at 9:41 am
What a wonderful web site. A real tribute to these men and their comrades. Al these unescorted B-17/B-24 recon flights in the Bismark or Solomon Seas during 1942-1943 were so risky - so many losses with some crews and planes simply never heard from again.

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